Feeling Sluggish and Overwhelmed Lately?

As a busy professional, your days are undoubtedly filled with endless to-do lists and responsibilities. It’s easy to lose touch with that essential connection between your mind and body, leading to discomfort and stiffness. What if there was a gentle, soothing way to reconnect with yourself and find relief from these aches?

We are thrilled to introduce our newest offering: Somatic Movement Therapy in Denver. This transformative practice is designed specifically for busy individuals like you who seek inner balance, healing, and renewal.

What is Somatic Movement Therapy?

Somatic Movement Therapy incorporates Hanna Somatic Education, Hatha Yoga, Meditation, and Core Energetics. These techniques come together in a harmonious blend of slow and mindful movements aimed at helping you reconnect with your body on a deeper level. By focusing on self-awareness and gentle movement patterns, this therapy empowers you to self-correct postural imbalances and release long-held stress.

Imagine moving through life with increased flexibility, reduced pain, and an overall sense of peace. That’s what Somatic Movement Therapy offers – a path towards holistic well-being that honors both your physical and emotional needs.

Somatic Movement Therapy Benefits

  • Reconnect With Your Body: Through mindful movements, you’ll learn how to listen to your body’s signals better.
  • Release Muscle Stiffness: Say goodbye to those stubborn knots as you gently work through tension held deep within.
  • Enhance Flexibility: Regain the ease of movement that allows you to feel lighter and more comfortable.
  • Cultivate Inner Peace: Create moments of tranquility amidst the chaos of daily life.

Our approach is not just about physical exercises; it’s about cultivating an ongoing relationship with yourself where every session brings you closer to harmony.

3 Steps to Healing:

  1. Understand the Cause: The Reflexes

    • Green Light Reflex: The “get up and go” drive to move forward and achieve.
    • Red Light Reflex: The “no” protective mechanism.
    • Trauma Reflex: Postural imbalances caused by physical trauma.

    Millions worldwide suffer from chronic muscle contraction due to stress and trauma, which limits mobility and causes pain. These subconscious reactions are rooted in the brain and manifest as the three reflexes.

  2. Explanation of Pain: Sensory Motor Amnesia (SMA)

    SMA is the root cause of chronic muscle pain, occurring when the body’s signals are ignored due to stress. It results in a temporary loss of muscle-to-brain connection, causing fatigue, pain, stiffness, or numbness.

  3. Solution: Pandiculation

    Pandiculation is a highly effective technique that resets muscle length and brain-to-muscle control, providing long-term pain relief and increased mobility.

How Shigeko Works with You in Private Sessions

Shigeko assesses your movement patterns, identifies issues, and provides the most optimal movements to resolve chronic pain or stiffness. This personalized approach helps you live pain-free at any age by addressing both the physical and neurological aspects of discomfort.

We know that starting something new can be daunting; however, the first step towards healing doesn’t have to be overwhelming. We warmly invite you into our space where kindness meets expertise. Experience immediate and long-lasting results. Let us walk this beautiful journey towards inner balance together – one mindful movement at a time.

Ready to release tension and restore your freedom of movement? Book your Somatic Movement Therapy session with Shigeko today!

Booking a session with Shigeko is easy.

Already have an account? Before booking, please log in or register.
  1. Chooseprivate somatic movement therapy (one-on-one) or semi-private somatic movement therapy (with a partner)
  2. Request booking confirmation
  3. Receive email with link to make a payment after request has been confirmed


After payment is received, show up and get ready to bliss out!

What Clients Say...


Shigeko is truly a gifted yoga teacher and therapist. She has a gentle yet powerful presence that illuminates her vast knowledge and appreciation of the mind-body connection. I appreciated that she took the time, prior to our first session, to become more familiar with my condition to better understand my need for yoga therapy. Shigeko quickly identified ways in which I had been compensating and avoiding using certain muscles due to pain. Through yoga, breath and movement she has taught me gentle ways to use proper body mechanics to gain strength and flexibility throughout my body. Her compassion and dedication to her practice is truly a blessing. Shigeko embodies the significance of Namaste.


Shigeko is one of those rare people you come across who have found the truth or dharma in what they are doing in life. Because of this she always leads from the heart, truly intent on helping, teaching, and healing others in whatever way she can. Whether you attend one of her yoga classes, yoga therapy, or are lucky enough to attend a guided meditation, I think you will find that you will come away from the experience more whole, more healthy, and more balanced. I hope our community continues to foster and value more people like her. Innate teachers and healers who fill in the gaps to help keep us whole.


I saw Shigeko several times as a Yoga therapy client and was very pleased with my experience.  Shigeko is gentle and clear.  I always understood her exact instructions and the reasons for each exercise she chose for me.  Shigeko has such a soothing manner about her.  I felt blessed to be in her presence!

Shintaro Harada
Former Professional Soccer Player Midfielder @ Colorado Springs Switchbacks FC

I always felt stiffness in my back when I woke in the morning, and also when playing soccer. Since I started working with Shigeko the stiffness started going away and it makes it easier to train and play soccer. My play has improved and has become even more dynamic and smooth. The session is always relaxing and mindful and some of the techniques are easy to do on my own. So, I’ve been doing them as supplementals for my profession. Her approach is so wonderful that I always look forward to her sessions.


Yoga therapy with Shigeko is effective and worth the time. Her approach is kind and personal. She took the time to gain an understanding of the issues that affected me and caused discomfort. I have ailments including rotator cuff injury, bad knee, and compressed vertebrae from accident. I’ve tried chiropractors, physical therapy, other specialists, etc. Nothing has worked better, for longer than Shigeko’s instruction. She also identified the connection between physical and emotional pain, and helped me to heal. She helped me to live a pain free life. No more pain killers either. Trust her process, she can help you too.


I had rotator cuff surgery 8 years ago. The pain was diminished after the surgery healed, but never really went away. I always had a low level ache. I tried 2 physical therapists and 2 yoga instructors without getting any relief. After explaining the issue to Shigeko, she looked at my shoulders and back and immediately saw what exercises I needed to diminish the pain. We spend the next hour working on these exercises to isolate and strengthen my back shoulder and back muscles. After 2 more sessions and doing the exercises daily I was pain free. 


I’ve been doing yoga for 20 years but I’ve never looked into yoga therapy until I met Shigeko. She can see things in my movement that other instructors never noticed. She helped me to get away from my compensation patterns with her gentle heart. I will continue to work with her to improve my life!

Masaki “Mac” Hemmi
Assistant coach men's soccer at University of Denver

Shigeko’s sessions helped me to understand the mechanism of my own body. I learned the root cause of my pain and I was able to get rid of it permanently! Shigeko listens to you and works with you to improve your body. She is a wonderful yoga instructor and a person. I definitely recommend Shigeko’s yoga to anyone!


Shigeko has been my favorite Yoga teacher since I took her class at Kindness Yoga in September of 2016. She creates an atmosphere and opportunity for me to challenge myself beyond my current threshold. She always shares a story with a gem that I fondly call the ‘Shigeko Wisdom of the week’. I’ve also taken her yoga therapy and learned valuable info about some of the tiny muscles I’ve neglected, likely for my entire life before her class. I still use it today and neglect a lot less than I used to! Thanks Shigeko!