Kintsugi – Brokenness to True Healing

Kintsugi – Brokenness to True Healing -Namaste my beautiful friends, Have you ever heard of the Japanese word “Kintsugi”? “Kin” means gold and “Tsugi” means putting things together. It’s a very old traditional Japanese technique which entails putting broken pottery pieces back together with lacquer and painting over it with gold (sometimes silver). The work is very precise…


Moment of Gratitude

Moment of Gratitude – Happy Thanksgiving, beautiful friends, Perhaps, one of the powerful recognitions is understanding the power of gratitude. As I’ve been going though a tremendous career crisis this year with my work, what allows me to move through it or maintain the level of cheerfulness, happiness and peace is my practice of gratitude. The practice is to simply focus…


Becoming Real

Becoming Real – Story of “The Velveteen Rabbit” “What is real?”asked the Rabbit one day. “Real isn’t how you are made,’ said the Skin Horse. ‘It’s a thing that happens to you. When someone loves you for a long, long time, not just to play with, but REALLY loves you, then you become Real.’ ‘Does…


Who Am I

Who Am I? – Last month, I was asked to work with a sweet 9-year-old girl who was visiting the US with her family. She has a sensory condition resulting in motor skill challenges which made it difficult for her to keep up with her classmates. Sadly, she got teased by some of them. Her…


Sending Blessing Meditation

A Blessings Meditation from me to you… – Hello from Japan! I’m here and traveling to Vietnam until the first week of December to celebrate my precious daughter’s 20th birthday. What a blessing month for both of us. While I am gone, I’d like to share my mindful morning routine with you since I can’t…


Sthira Sukham Asanum

Sthira Sukham Asanum – In every asana, let there be steadiness (balance) and ease (sweetness) Namaste, everyone!   My intention for practice tends to go back to the ancient teachings of “Sthira Sukham Asanam” –In every asana, let there be steadiness (balance) and ease (sweetness). It can be challenging and at times wobbly, right? And…
