Gentle Somatic Yoga

Tuesdays at 5:15 PM - 6:45 PM

Join Shigeko for an enriching journey into Gentle Somatic Yoga®, designed to elevate your health, well-being, and performance. Delve into a unique fusion of movement arts crafted by integrative Therapist and Yoga Teacher, James Knight, E-RYT, CHSE. This innovative practice blends elements of Hanna Somatic Education, Hatha Yoga, Meditation, Core Energetic principles, and insights from quantum mechanics. Engage in slow, deliberate movements that foster profound bodily awareness, enabling self-correction and deep release. Bid farewell to stiffness, tension, and postural imbalances as you discover newfound flexibility through the re-education of brain-to-muscle connections.

Restorative Yoga

Sunday at 4:00 PM - 5:15 PM

Restorative Yoga is a prop-based practice designed for relaxation and holistic well-being. Explore passive postures using props for comfort and alignment. Focus on breath and mindfulness for heightened awareness. Activate the parasympathetic nervous system to reduce stress. Suitable for all levels, this class encourages a gentle release of tension and promotes a sense of inner calm. Join Shigeko for a contemplative journey toward rejuvenation and overall well-being.


Spring Forward Flow - Grasshopper - Slow Vinyasa - 60 Minutes


Happy spring! This class is designed to work on the baby grasshopper pose. The grasshoppers only know how to move in a forward direction. Let’s channel into the spirit of grasshoppers to welcome this new season! To prepare for the peak pose, we’ll work on hips and shoulders using therapeutic techniques such as tennis ball roll or reclined leg work with strap followed by beautiful postures. Peak poses include F4 Chair Twist pose , Lunge series, Falling Triangle pose, Standing leg spread, Forearm Plank, Sphinx Pose and Baby Grasshopper pose. The practice will provide the steadiness and lightness in your body and that will propel us forward. Props Suggested: Tennis ball, Strap, Two Blocks or Blanket – $5

Healthy Psoas Flow - Hatha - 60 Minutes


This is a beautiful practice that works on creating healthy psoas muscles. The psoas muscles are the main muscular connection between your torso and lower body. Oftentimes, they are short and weak because we sit a lot. So, this practice will help to create length and strength to make them work healthier. Peak poses include various Lunge poses, Side bending poses such as modified Triangle pose or Gate pose, modified Standing Bow pose, Lucas pose and Half Pigeon pose. It finishes with supported Bridge pose and meditation. It also emphasizes the pelvis stability and the back core work. Props Suggested: Two Blocks – $5

Wisdom Flow - Vinyasa - 60 Minutes


This is a practice to remind ourselves of our inner wisdom that is always guiding us throughout the practice and life. It starts with meditation and is followed by a mid strengthening nice flow, and finishes with another lovely meditation. Peak poses include Chair Pose, Crescent Lunge, Horse Stance with shoulder stretch, Warrior II, Side Plank, Malasana (or optional Crow Pose) and Floor Bow. Props Suggested: Two Blocks– $5

Release Upper back, Neck and Shoulder Tension - Hatha - 60 Minutes


This lovely Hatha practice will guide you to help release any tension in the upper back, neck and shoulder and restore a sense of well-being into the body and mind. A lot of tension we’re holding is unconscious. The more awareness we bring back to our body, the easier it is to shake off tensions and restore a sense of well-being to ourselves. The practice will include soft, small fluid movements and peak poses such as puppy pose, Warrior II and Wide leg forward fold with some shoulder work, and Eagle pose. There will be some therapeutic shoulder work on the wall too. This class was previously streamed on February 3, 2022. Props Suggested: Blanket and Two Blocks. – $5

Slow and Stretchy - Hatha - 60 Minutes


We all spend so much time during the day rushing around for a variety of obligations, commitments, and responsibilities. Let’s slow down, take some time for yourself and do something good to yourself! This is an all-around Hatha practice that touches all the tight spots and helps to release all the kinks. Peak poses include Reclined leg stretch with a strap, Toe pose, Half Warrior II, Sphinx pose, Wide leg forward fold, Dancer, Half pigeon, Half hero pose with lunge, and more! This class was previously streamed on October 17, 2021. Props Suggested: Strap and Two Blocks– $5

Reunion - Grounding Back-bending - Vinyasa - 60 Minutes


The word “yoga” generally translates into “union”, which is more like “re-union” because we’re reuniting things that always there – like reuniting with your breath, body, mind and heart. Through gentle grounding back-bending flow practice, you’ll reunite each part of you so that you’ll experience “oneness” within yourself. Ultimately, the practice is bringing individuality to one another. The practice includes therapeutic tennis ball rolls, breath work and short meditation. Peak poses include Sun salutations, Chair, Warrior II, Triangle, some balancing poses with gentle backbends, and various back-bending poses. This class was previously streamed on October 10, 2021. Props Suggested: Tennis ball, Strap, Two Blocks, and Bolster or Blankets – $5

Breath Centered Practice - Vinyasa - 60 Minutes


We use breath as an anchor point for this slow flow practice. Focusing on breath is supreme for calming the mind and shifting our system from “flight or fight” to “rest and digest”. The beautiful gift of breath centered practice is to help our mind think differently and remind us that we can be much more effective when we maintain our center. Peak poses include Chair pose, Pyramid pose, Warrior series, Triangle, Twisted chair pose, Dancer, Reverse half-moon pose and Dolphin pose. Therapeutic tennis ball roll, some restorative poses and breath work are included too. This class was previously streamed on October 3, 2021. Props Suggested: One or Two Blanket, Two tennis balls, and Two Blocks– $5

Transformation - Core - Vinyasa - 60 Minutes


“Parinama” means the process of transformation. Transformation comes up again and again no matter what we’re experiencing. Our aim is for our mind space to transform to a more illuminated space as we practice. In this slow flow practice, we use “Tapas” – heat to transform our body and mind. Peak poses are various Side planks, Balancing chair, Crescent lunge, Warrior II and fun Crow hop! It is ended with therapeutic work, breath work and meditation. This class was previously streamed on September 19, 2021. Props Suggested: Two Blocks and Foam roller – $5

Cultivate Support For Change - Vinyasa - 60 Minutes


We’re going through and experiencing a lot of changes right now. But today’s normal could be different tomorrow. Unknowing is more constant than knowing. In this class, the aim is to cultivate support using the body, breath, ground, props, and etc while we’re moving through gentle flow. Peak poses include Standing leg spread, Warrior I, Humble warrior, Modified triangle and some back bending poses, and Supported shoulder stand. It completes with a breath focused meditation and Savasana. This class was previously streamed on September 5, 2021. Props Suggested: One Blanket, and Two Blocks– $5

Resiliency - Vinyasa - 60 Minutes


A slow Vinyasa practice helps you to see where you are, let go of the things that need to go, and helps to be groundless, so we can find a sense of inner strength and resilience. This practice begins with a gentle sequence on the back and includes some core work and standing poses. It finishes with brief breath work followed by Savasana. Props Needed: Two blocks and Blanket (Optional) . This class was previously streamed on August 29, 2021 – $5

Immunity - Hatha - 60 Minutes


This class holds a space for you to just nourish yourself and support your immune system. It includes short breath focused meditation at the beginning and end. There are qigong movement/therapeutic work to balance and support your immune system. Peak poses will include Warrior II, Triangle, Figure 4 leg Chair, Warrior III flow, Dancing Camel and Double Pigeon. You’ll finish with restorative Fish Pose before Savasana. Props Needed: Two blocks and Blanket or Bolster (Optional) . This class was previously streamed on August 22, 2021 – $5

Happy Hamstrings - Hatha - 60 Minutes


This smooth moving flow practice is designed to release, open up and gently strengthen your hamstrings. It begins with a very accessible deep hamstring stretch with props, and moving on to seated and standing poses like pyramid, warrior II, triangle, and standing balance poses. This practice also helps you to review your perceptions and invites you to see who you truly are. Props Needed: Strap, Two blocks and Blanket or Bolster (Optional) . This class was previously streamed on August 15, 2021 – $5

Self-Care Flow - 60 Minutes


This class is all about you – your self-care! Taking care of others can be a lot easier than taking care of ourselves. However, when we’re in a good space physically and emotionally, it’s a lot easier to take care of others. The class starts with a restorative heart/hip opener and a whole body self massage. And then, it moves into various hip opener poses including Eagle, Horse, Side Angle with neck stretch, Half-Pigeon and more! You’re gifting a practice to yourself! Props Needed: Blankets, and Two blocks. This class was previously streamed on August 8, 2021 – $5

Release Stagnation Slow Flow - Vinyasa - 60 Minutes


We’re going to chase away stagnation to get the body and energy flowing! This practice will touch the entire body through gentle flow movement and breath to allow you to feel a sense of ease and freedom in your body and mind. Peak poses include Warrior III, Dancer Pose, and Boat Pose. Cool down with a seated sequence and Savasana. This class was previously streamed on July 18, 2021. Props Suggested: One Blanket, and Two Blocks– $5

Balancing Heart and Mind - Slow Vinyasa - 60 Minutes


This slow vinyasa focuses on poses that balances and unifies our hearts and minds. It begins with gentle Somatic movements and moves into standing poses with gentle backbends. Peak in Dolphin, quads focus Camel pose and regular Camel pose. Concluded with Savasana and breath work. The class will help you deeply connect to your body and heart, and get out of your head. The class is finished with a brief cooling meditation. Props Needed: Blankets, and Two blocks. This class was previously streamed on July 25, 2021 – $5

Practice for Summer - Slow Vinyasa - 60 Minutes


In Ayurveda, during the summertime it is considered as “Pitta” time, meaning “heat” or “fire”. Ayurveda proposes us to practice in a more cooling way to bring balance and harmony into our bodies, mind and energy while the outer environment is hot or intense. You’ll practice more cooling breath work and poses like more circular shapes, moon salutations to release excess heat that builds up in the system. The class is finished with a brief cooling meditation. Props Suggested: One Blanket and Two Blocks – $5

Release Hip Flexor and Neck Tension - Hatha - 50 Minutes


Releasing one of the tight areas in the body – Hip flexor and Neck in a very gentle way. Also, reviewing if there is any habitual patterns in the body or stuck-ness in our lives throughout the practice. Props Needed: Blankets, Pillows, Two blocks and Wall. This class was previously streamed on March 10, 2021 – $5

Full Moon Practice - Hatha - 60 Minutes


Grounding and healing Hatha yoga practice with brief breath work and meditation at the end to honor the full moon energy. Props Needed: Two blocks. This class was previously streamed on March 28, 2021 – $5

Compassion Slow Flow - Gentle Vinyasa - 45 Minutes


The goal of this restorative practice is to heal, which is always present, and see ourselves as whole. Guided meditation during the Savasana is included. Props Needed: Two blocks, Four blankets, Pillows – $5

Time and Presence - Side Body - Hatha - 60 Minutes


Time and presence are the focus as it relates to practicing Asteya (non-stealing). This side- body focused Hatha practice (stretching and strengthening) will be dedicated to never wasting time, and making every breath and moment count as much as possible. Props Needed: Blankets and Two blocks. This class was previously streamed on April 29, 2021 – $5

Transitions - Hatha - 60 Minutes


This practice is centered around the theme of transitions to help you to ride the tides and changes more gracefully on and off the mat. You will practice many slow and mindful transitions in balancing pose sequences! Props Needed: Two Blocks and a Tennis Ball. This class was previously streamed on April 1, 2021 – $5

Hatha and Nidra - 60 Minutes


Through this practice of Hatha Yoga and Nidra, you’ll learn to balance the energy of effort and ease or engagement and surrender. After 45 minutes of Hatha Yoga practice, you’ll be steered into deep state of conscious rest (Nidra) for 15 minutes. Enjoy the contrast! Props Needed: Blankets and Two blocks. This class was previously streamed on April 8, 2021 – $5

Working with Shoulders Gently - Therapeutic - 60 Minutes


The intention for this class is to work on the shoulders gently. We’re capable of pushing to the max if we need, but we can also choose to be gentle. Gentleness is a choice. As you move though various therapeutic shoulder focused movements, you’ll be exploring your physical and mental actions. – Props: Foam Roller(Optional), Blocks, Strap, and Blanket – $5

Healing - Restorative - 60 Minutes


The goal of this restorative practice is to heal, which is always present, and see ourselves as whole. Guided meditation during the Savasana is included. Props Needed: Two blocks, Four blankets, Pillows – $5

Ahimsa (Non-Harming) - Hatha - 50 Minutes


The Yamas and Niyamas are foundational to all yogic teaching. We’re going to explore the very fist Yama – Ahimsa meaning non-harming. Today and everyday, we can strive to be kind and compassionate by loving our uniqueness by tending to our needs and trusting ourselves. This is a well rounded Hatha yoga practice. Props Needed: Blankets and Blocks. This class was previously streamed on April 13, 2021 – $5

Satya (Truthfulness) - Hatha - 60 Minutes


This is the practice of exploring the second Yama, Satya – Truthfulness. Truth is not an easy task. Because what we believe to be true is colored by our own perception. Throughout the practice, you’ll be challenged to keep observing your perception and see what is really true in the moment. Ultimate tough exists beyond your perception. Today’s peak pose is “Baby Grasshopper”, so expect for many twists and fun arm balances! Props Needed: Two Blocks and Strap. This class was previously streamed on April 25, 2021 – $5

Asteya (Non-Stealing) - Hatha - 45 Minutes


There are two approaches to practice or living life. One approach is the belief that something is lacking. The other one is that practice or life, by its nature, is abundant. As we work on core and back (glutes), the invitation is to receive practice as it comes to you and see abundance of each posture instead of pushing hard, expecting certain ways, or trying to get more. That teaching is called “Asteya” meaning “non-stealing”. Props Needed: Blankets and Two blocks (optional). This class was previously streamed on April 28, 2021 – $5

Aparigraha (Non-Grasping) - Hatha - 45 Minutes


“The way to make the universe laugh is by showing up with a plan” Sometimes we come to the mat full of plans. This practice is focused on targeting hamstring areas, however let’s practice in a loose plan with less attachment to the outcome and be more present with yourself. Props Needed: Two Blocks, Form-roller or Tennis Ball, and Strap. This class was previously streamed on May 12, 2021 – $5

Saucha (Purification) - Vinyasa - 60 Minutes


The first Niyama, Saucha, Purification invites us to purify our bodies, thoughts, words and actions. Through this gentle Vinyasa practice, you’ll purify yourself physically and mentally and will become less cluttered and distracted. You’ll begin to feel lighter and more expansive. Props Needed: Blanket and Two block (optional). This class was previously streamed on May 30, 2021 – $5

Brahmacharya (Moderation) - Gentle Vinyasa - 50 Minutes


This slow flow class themes around the third Yama – Brahmacharya known as non-excess or moderation. It is about balancing effort with ease in each pose. And it’s really about where we choose to put our energy in order to create a deeper sense of peace. Props Needed: Two Blocks and a Strap. This class was previously streamed on May 5, 2021 – $5

Santosha (Contentment) - Shoulder Focused Slow Vinyasa - 60 Minutes


This class is themed around awakening contentment within ourselves – Santosha – the second part of Niyamas. It begins with a gentle heart opener over the blanket followed by a tennis ball roll around the shoulders. It features a variety of strengthening and opening shoulder focused poses. Peak poses include floor bow and reverse table top or plank. Cool down with a seated sequence with a foam roller and Guided Savasana. This class was previously streamed on June 6, 2021. Props Suggested: One Blanket, One Tennis ball, Two Blocks, and One Foam roller (Optional)– $5

Tapas (Self-Discipline) - Vinyasa - 60 Minutes


Tapas means “to burn” and evoke a sense of “fiery discipline”. You’ll be challenged by mindful core work, Warrior series, Crow pose and playful Shiva’s Dance pose. The practice ends with a blissful Savasana. This class was previously streamed on June 13, 2021. Props Suggested: Two Blocks or One blanket – $5

Svadhyaya (Self-Study) - Vinyasa - 60 Minutes


This relaxing Vinyasa class focuses on developing self-study, Svadhyaya with compassionate eyes through learning how to move intuitively and release pent up tension, especially around the hips. Peak poses include Warrior two, Half-moon, Side plank, and various Pigeon Poses followed by a gentle breath work and Savasana. This class was previously streamed on June 20, 2021 – $5